5+2 Innovation Industries Plan
Established in 2016, Taiwan’s 5+2 Major Innovative Industries plan is an ambitious plan that serves as the central driver of the nation’s industrial growth and is underscored by a best practices model for sustainable development.
The plan covers seven industries and projects: intelligent machinery, Asia Silicon Valley, green energy, biomedicine, national defense and aerospace, new agriculture and the circular economy.
The requisite Industry 4.0 technologies, including cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things and intelligent robots, are transitioning Taiwan’s machinery industry from precision based to intelligent based. This shift is stimulating innovation, boosting the competitiveness of industry and increasing corporate profitability while raising wages, creating jobs and bringing more balanced development to all regions of Taiwan.
Chevalier is a diligent and active participant in 5+2, which contributes to our leadership role in interdisciplinary development and diversified industrial applications, resulting in more competitive and innovative CNC machining systems and solutions for our customers.